Monday, 14 May 2007

This time last year... 15/05/2006 seems a distant memory

This time last year I was saying my goodbyes, packing my things and excited about my "new life" in Korea. I can't believe how fast the last 12 months have gone by..

I left the UK on a grim Monday in May and the same Monday this year its actually quite pleasant out. That pretty much fits my moods for both really; the UK at the moment does seem quite nice, a few clouds in the sky and its a bit cold, but all in all its looking ok. Last year I really was full of clouds and the UK offered me nothing. Strange how a year and the weather can make you reflect on things.

The horizon for the future feels brighter than it did last year, and although I'm probably still not happy about being in the UK (because of the system more than the place itself) I'm a little happier with myself. This blog helps me get some things off my chest at least...

Maybe when the Tories get in they can start to repair some of the damage Tony Blair and his bunch of fuck puppets have done, but I doubt it. This country needs a lot but a housing market collapse would be a start. Maybe then we can start supporting those in society that actually pay their taxes, don't fiddle the system and just drain our resources with no intentions of bettering themselves... anyway, before I start, I'm happier than I was this time last year..

Oh, and fuck L Ron Hubbard and Scientology... they can eat shit and die and I will post on this later...


it ain't easy being green said...

there were a few good days in those 6 months though, eh? remember grilling and 'banging all summer vacation? stellar...

Delmorpha said...

Yeah man, last years had some of the best times Ive ever had in my entire life.. that week was awesomeness all over! Heres to getting a week or two of that in together this year too, somewhere, somehow!