Tuesday, 22 May 2007

500 Words really isn't enough for me to moan in - BBC News Have Your Say Comments

I still like to have my say so I thought I would share just in case you don't spot my comments on the BBC! 500 words really isn't enough for me and I had to reword what little I could fit in several times, but here it is!

Do you support road pricing trial plans?

Are pay-as-you-drive road charges the right way to tackle congestion?

It doesn't take a genius to work out that this is an attempt to generate more cash to plough into something that needs addressing at the source rather than at our pockets.

Tighter controls need to be placed on how Road Tax is used to maintain our roads and regulate the work being done thus saving time and money. Roadworks companies make a killing at the tax payers expense and we do nothing to address that. I can't remember the last time I drove through road works and saw some work being done.

As it currently stands at 5000 votes, 80% of which do not support the governments bid to introduce PAYG road pricing. There was a major petition recently regarding it on the official government website too that received over 5 million 1.8 Million registered votes, but the government continues to put its fingers in its ears and go "la la la la".

Seriously, when will they listen (never) - road tax goes up and up every year and the problems get worse and worse. As one commenter says "The proposal has nothing to do with tackling congestion - it's just another tax." and this is damn right.

That and the increasing Nanny State that is the UK - the government would have little black boxes in every car in the country tracking your every move. Cross reference that with the DVLA database, biometric data on your passport/driving licence and that seems like the perfect surveillance tool. All we need now is the cameras in every room telling us not to do that when were scratching ourselves...and even thats almost in place in some towns...

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