Monday, 28 May 2007

Moving to my own webserver soon... watch this space...

I've been publishing online for over 10 years now and have been to and fro with my own websites and web servers, whether they were crappy 50mb web spaces, blog spaces or my own Linux ones, I've always been tinkling with online content. Having access to my own has usually been relative to my job/financial situation and once I move on, nothing ties me back to a definitive location. I feel now I need my own again.. I mean I have 2 blogs that need backing up ASAP, and a laundry list of domains I've registered that need content, and I also need to start work on a website for my aunts shop, so a $7 a month webserver with a few terabytes of bandwidth is definitely needed, and needed soon.

I will be posting at once my domain registration goes through and double posting here until the new server is working correctly and looks good - this is more of a heads up that I will be moving onwards and upwards in the near future, and to keep your eyes peeled for an all new site... at least this way you'll have one less word to type when visiting me...

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