Friday, 23 March 2007

The Million Person Outreach program!

Touching one million people is my goal... not in a weird pervy way my usual readers might be thinking, but in a logical, I know, he knows, she knows way.

We all like to think our voice is heard, and more over that if we have something important to say our voice is going to be heard. I am trying to embrace the power of the internet to see if thats true. I have read articles about this before; how in some way we are all connected to the whole world by a chain of 6 people, but recently the idea has been playing on my mind.

Like a pyramid scheme, the logic is simple. I know 20 people, who in turn know 20 people, and so on and so forth. This is not a con, it is simply an educational exercise to be completed by a bored Software Engineering graduate (read GEEK) to test the power of this.

Potentially the plan goes like this...


There we go, simple and effective. The maths and implementation aren't quite that simple, but without going into those details, a pyramid scheme would only need another layer or 2 and the idea still works.

I have a few reasons really, but the main one is to see how far an online voice can travel. I find it interesting that we have a global interconnection of information and communication, but on the whole we can still be fed disinformation, lies and half truths by peers, advertisers, governments, whoever. I read a great Violent Acres article entitled The Government who cried Wolf and her sentiment was shared by myself in a lot of the things I write. It's not an original article, but its nice to hear someone who describes herself as an "Average Joe" (she is far from it in my opinion) waking up to these facts.

I like to think that we all have the power to touch others and in the complete opposite way to the emails I receive daily offering viagra, porn, to be enlightened, to pass this chain mail on to 5 of my friends and something good will happen to me, etc etc, I want to put something in motion that has the potential to make a difference. People believe these emails (still! It amazes me!), but I want to see if they will do the same in an effort for research and development.

Plus, this whole Sony hate month is coming to an end, yet they are still pushing their lies about how well the PS3 is doing and that makes me sad that a just because a company has a massive base, a stock pile of cash, and a direct line into the media they can inject lies, like a poison coursing through the veins of society, and people just lap it up. I want to see if email has that potential if we, the people, find something out that effects us all, if that information could hit the mainstream mind.

Whats in this for me?
Nothing more than the satisfaction of intellectual development and the stimulation of a bored mind.

Whats in this for you?
Ah, the age old question of give and take! Well, in an ideal world I will develop a means of giving a voice potentially massive portal for people. All news is subjective, but a means of hearing real peoples voices in regards to events, news and the real world sounds like a good thing to me. Having lost faith in the mainstream media, I want to know what real people are thinking and whats really going on.

I guess this is what sites like Digg are with a twist, but I'm interested more in the ability for users to filter out what news is relevant to their own lives. There are still a few details that need ironing out but the motion has begun.

Really, just the peace of mind in the potential for knowing whether or not if you had something to tell the whole world, how well you would be heard!

Apologies and Thanks!!
I should apologise and thank everyone who does take part in my experiment for the time they have taken to pass the email on, and for their efforts to see if my goal of enlightening the masses works.

In my email I request you Carbon Copy my email address so I can see how many people you have touched, so please be assured your email address and those you send it on to will only be used by me for my own research and will not receive any unsolicited emails. This is a research project and I am not a 419 scammer!!!

The website will be up and running sooner rather than later hopefully, so in the mean time, please feel free to peruse my angry blog.

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