Tuesday, 20 February 2007

Fuck Yahoo in the Ass

Hi Pop Pickers... I've moved my blog from Yahoo 360 to Blogger for several reasons:

  • It allows me greater control over my content, formatting and what I can and can't do with my works
  • It's a lot more powerful than Yahoo 360 in terms of content
  • MySpace is only used by 13 year old kids, paedos and the internet retarded... their interface is horrid and I don't need a bunch of sycophant faux friends telling me how cool I am, that my work is amazing or asking if I want to buy Viagra.
  • Yahoo are a bunch of money grabbing bastards... Google are less so!
  • Did I mention I hate Yahoo??
It was a simple choice in the end, so I will be moving all my old posts over to Blogger today, as well as continuing the London debacle and the decisions Ive made regarding it. Catch you all laters dudes and dudettes!

ps. I amending the template to make the blog look more me, and if you are using a resolution less than 1024x768 then be prepared to have to use that scroll bar... Im not punishing my visitors because you cant read small text/are blind.. damn 800x600 websites piss me off!

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